Who should attend?
Petrophysists, reservoir engineers, petroleum engineers, geologists, geoscientist, geophysicists and professionals who wants firm grounding in special core analysis.
About the course
This course presents detailed discussion and explanation for Special Core Analysis in the oil and gas industry. Topics covering Flow Zone Units determination, core handling, relative permeability measurements and models, capillary pressure measurements and models and wettability will be covered. Concepts will be explored and presented interactively. Upon completion of this course, participants will gain an extensive understanding of the fundamental theoretical and practical aspects of relative permeability,capillary pressure and wettability, how to measure and predict those properties. The course includes a number of real-life examples to consolidate the theoretical framework covered.
You will learn
- Explore the concept of Flow Zone Units and how it helps selecting core plugs for special core analysis tests
- Discuss core handling techniques
- Understand the concepts of Special Core Analysis covering Relative Permeability Capillary Pressure and Wettability
- Learn about different laboratory experimental techniques for all special core properties.
- Review in details different theoretical and mathematical models to measure special core properties
- Benchmark your current Special Core Analysis
- Network with your peers in the industry.
Course content
Why core analysis in oil and gas
- Reserve Estimation
- Recovery Prediction
- Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Core Analysis Programs
- Core Analysis and different formations
- Core handling on Arrival
- Process at the Laboratory
- Conducting Tests
- Core Damage
- Core Cleaning and Drying
- Definitions
- Types of Porosity
- Measuring Porosity
- Equations
- Definitions
- Measuring Permeability
- Permeability Prediction
- Permeability Averaging
- Equations
- Definitions
- Measuring Fluid Saturation
- Archie Law
- Archie Parameters
- Kozeny
- Flow Zone Units (Using Permeability And Porosity)
- FZUs and SCAL
- Definition of Capillary Pressure
- Forces and Factors Controlling Capillary pressure
- Laboratory Experiments
- Using Capillary Pressure Data
- Models and Prediction
- Definition of Wettability
- Laboratory Experiments
- Common Wettability Indicators
- Models and Prediction
- Definition of Relative Permeability
- Core Consideration
- Factors Affecting Relative Permeability
- Laboratory Experiments
- Theoretical Models
- Empirical Models
- Averaging Relative Permeability Data