Geological Modeling Workshop for Integrated Reservoir Studies

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The main objective of this course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of static reservoir modelling and reliable reservoir models, which used to predict oil production, investigate various production scenarios and eventually help decision makers to optimize field development. The more data-consistent the model, the sounder the predictions. Thus, the key point is the integration of all available data into reservoir models for field development strategies starting from Seismic data to well log data and how to maximize recoverable hydrocarbon.


What are the Goals?


By the end of this training course, participants will learn to:

  • To understand geostatistical methods.
  • To apply geostatistical models to evaluate the data.
  • To understand the concepts of Kriging and cokriging and how these are used in data analysis.
  • To develop a conceptual geological model ahead of a static model building.
  • To develop a sound structural model using regional data applied down to the model scale.
  • To develop and test a stratigraphic model.
  • To be able to develop a facies model and how to test this against analogues.
  • To be able to determine a petrophysical and property models.
  • To know how to generate an accurate 3D static model by integrating all the above.
  • How to integrate with reservoir engineer to match simulation data.


How will this Training Course be presented?


The course will not only be presented by showing and interpreting the material in detail, but also the participants will work together using a real data to apply all the workflow and to project their previous knowledge and experience onto the course, they also encouraged to bring their own data so that real working examples can be reviewed and interpreted.


Who is this Training Course for?


This course is designed for all Oil Industry Technical Professionals, which will cover from fundamental theoretical background to high-level real work information, techniques and workshop.

This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

Geo-Modelers, Petrophysicists, Seismic Interpreters, Development Geologists, Reservoir Engineers, Well site geologists, Technical Support Personnel, Team Leaders & Managers.


Organizational Impact


Organization will have a well-trained geo-modeler who can run static models using petrel software for field development and enhance hydrocarbon recovery.


Personal Impact


Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to understand complete work flow for reservoir property modelling and fracture modelling workflow in the base of conceptual geological model and integrate all available data set.

Detailed Agenda


Ø  Module 1: Data Conditioning and QC.

·       Collecting facies and petrophysical data to be read for modelling.

·       Comparing porosity and facies.

·       Modeling Uncertainty

o   Geophysical Uncertainty.

o   Geological Uncertainty.

o   Structural Uncertainty.

o   Petrophysical Uncertainty.

o   Fracture Uncertainty

o   Contact Uncertainty.

Ø  Full Picture.

·       Adjusting seismic cubes to be upscaled in the model.

·       Choosing suitable seismic inversion product to be used as weighting input for data distribution.


Ø  Module 2: Spatial Analysis and Modelling

·       General Log Measurement Terminology

·       Electric log correlation procedures and guide line.

·       Electrical log correlation in vertical wells

·       Log correlation plan

·       Basic concepts in electric log correlation

·       Faults Vs variation in stratigraphy

·       Electrical log correlation in – directional drilled wells

·       Log correlation plan correlation of vertical and directional drilled wells

·       MD, TVDss, TVD, TVT and TST terminologies.


Ø  Module 3: Structure Modeling.

·       Pre-Processing of input data.

·       Fault Modeling.

·       Horizon Modeling.

·       Layering.

·       Structure Frame work.

·       3D Structural Grid Construction.

·       Boundary definition and Horizon modeling.

·       Horizon filtering attribute.

·       Refine and create zone model.

·       Troubleshooting.


Ø  Module 4: Horizon Modelling

·       Corner Point Gridding.

·       Modeling of main faults.

·       Pillar gridding.

·       Make horizons.

·       Truncations.

·       Data preparation, including well log edits and calculations as well as well log upscaling for discrete and continuous data.


Ø  Module 5: Scaling up Well logs

·       Scaling up facies logs.

·       Averaging methods and its impact to up scaled facies logs.

·       Scaling up petro physical logs

·       Averaging methods and its impact to up scaled petro physical logs.


Ø  Module 6: Building the 3D property Facies Model.

·       Property Modeling Work Flow.

·       Reservoir Modeling.

·       Create Facies Template.

·       Net to Gross.

·       Neural Net Work.

·       Petrophysical Calculations.

·       Exercises.


Ø  Module 7: Building the 3D property Facies Model.

·       Deterministic and stochastic facies modelling (object and pixel modelling).

·       Developing a conceptual geological model.

·       Data analysis.

·       Facies probability function and its importance for facies distribution.

·       Facies variogram analysis and how it affects its distribution through model.

·       Sequential Indicator Simulation.

·       Object Facies Modeling.

·       Truncated Gaussian Simulation with and without trends and use for carbonate reservoirs.

·       Using secondary data to populate facies models.

·       Developing a stratigraphic model

·       The use of analogues in model builds

·       How to build an accurate facies model and how to provide geological controls on this.


Ø  Module 8: Building the 3D property Petrophysical Model.

·       Deterministic and stochastic petrophysical modelling

·       Data analysis.

·       Sequential Gaussian Simulation.

·       Gaussian Random Function Simulation.

·       Kriging.

·       Using secondary data to populate petrophysical models.

·       Porosity and water saturation distribution through the model.

·       How to weight water saturation distribution in the model.

·       Permeability distribution in the model.


Ø  Module 9: Uncertainty Analysis, Ranking and Upscaling

·       Building the final 3D model

·       Uncertainty analysis and risk

·       The space of uncertainty and pragmatic decisions

·       First, second and third order changes to the model

·       Multiple realizations

·       Developing risk maps

·       Ranking and upscaling – passing the model on.


Ø  Module 11: Hydrocarbon in place calculations

·       Monte Carlo Hydrocarbon Calculations based on structure contour maps.

·       3D static model hydrocarbon in place calculations.

·       Validation of final in place with Monto Carlo assumptions.

Note: The course will not only be presented by showing and interpreting the material in detail, but also the participants will work together using a real data to apply all the workflow and to project their previous knowledge and experience onto the course, they also encouraged to bring their own data so that real working examples can be reviewed and interpreted.

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